Where is Tim Young's Blog?
A web log dedicated to the campaign for the creation of an official Tim Young web log.
Wednesday, September 24, 2003
Italy: now with fewer communists
Sunday, September 21, 2003
Shall this be Tim's blog now?
Will he become a despotic blogmaster and chase all others from the page?
Will he ever try to post again?
Or will Vonn's world conquest render it moot?
Saturday, September 20, 2003
I plan to take this sitting down
Buckos, allow met'be t'first t'post a topical link:
Day 3 Update
I just heard from a friend of Tim's that he described this blog to Tim over the phone, but Tim hasn't looked at it himself, yet. Still, his friend (a reliable source who is one of Tim's "inner circle") predicted that Tim would look at this blog
soon. If we keep up this rush of enthusiasm, I think Tim will be so impressed that he will be inspired, no,
moved to establish the
official blog that we've all been waiting for.
And through the English to Pirate translator
Opportunity o'plastero 'a bath:
Leave dilletante with a bottle o' a purse in juurt,
Donkey Moribound.
Whiffo'comets from a brilliant placed in a cradle
He constrains sleepofer razrazhennyj.
Spiteful dream satisfies tough t'disordero'a mouth,
T'masko'an idolo'a puddin' flies.
Standard pickup lines illuminated by redundant computer translation
The baby of the ones of the ones of Hé kommen oft more to hier?
If I to say you to him I had a pretty body, he you that I will arrest to answer to me?
It is a cetriolo of the vinegar in the relative bag, is necessarily happy you for seeing or me?
What corner thus a pleasant girl like they in a place?
Jamie's poem translated
Here is Jamie's poem, translated English-German-Russian-English-Spanish-Russian-English. Again, I regret to point out, it is a clear improvement (especially the last three lines). The sad fact is that computers are much better at non sequitur than human beings. We are prisoners of meaning!
Opportunity of plaster of a bath:
Leave dilletante with a bottle of a purse in juurt,
Donkey Moribound.
Whiff of comets from a brilliant placed in a cradle
It(he) (she((it)) constrains sleepofer razrazhennyj.
Spiteful dream satisfies tough the disorder of a mouth,
The mask of an idol of a pudding flies.
'Vast Heavin' There -
Pirate Day Pick-Up Lines- (thanks to talklikeapirate.com)
Me roger could be a might jollier.
Aye, me hook be electric.
Yes, that be a hornpipe in me pocket and I am happy to see ye.
Swab your deck?
Well blow me down!
Prepare to be boarded.
What Tim really meant
I have used a web site to translate Tim's come-ons into German, from German to Russian, and then from Russian back to English. You will agree they are significantly improved:
Example 1: Greetings is suppressed by you to my comets?
Example 2: Whether you wanted to see my flexible bath?
Example 3: I have only got the new idol navoza in the cradle. They wanted to swing it?
Nonsense, but complete
Modality of bathtub grout:
Park a dilletante with a flask in a yurt,
moribound ass.
The aura of a cradled sparkler comet
refrains from a licentious sleepover.
A malignant dream curls thorugh oral hub-bub,
the mask of a pudding idol explodes.
Pie Poem Poser: Mystery Verse Sweeps West
GOP, Green Critics Slam Fox News/ Tim Young Deal
Utah Gunfight with ex-US Poet Laureate Pinsky injures 2, delays TY Blog
Ashcroft Denies TY Poetry Suppression under Patriot Act
Tim Young Prevented from Namesake Blog Contribution by Capitalist Hegemony
Um, where is the real blog?
I heard this was a place for screwball stories and sublime poetry. All I find is a half-written haiku and some advertising. What gives?
Young Vs. Wolfowitz Poetry Slam
One line:
Aerial Predator Control
All Cry Out for Tim's Blog
Never posted to a blog before, but withal here goes.
Termination dust this morning.
Where is Tim?
[Missed opportunity for a haiku there, Lauren. -CCPC]
Day 3
Very encouraging news this week! Tim (yes,
the Tim) called me (to read me a poem about pie,
which was awesome) and he said that
he was going to start a blog!
Needless to say, I've been checking my e-mail every ten minutes or so to hear back from him with the URL,
but nothing yet :(
Keep checking back for updates, and I will post the new official Tim Young blog URL the
nanosecond I get it.
Hang in there! I just know that
the wait is nearly over.
09/01/2003 - 10/01/2003
10/01/2003 - 11/01/2003
11/01/2003 - 12/01/2003
02/01/2004 - 03/01/2004
04/01/2004 - 05/01/2004
05/01/2004 - 06/01/2004
02/01/2007 - 03/01/2007
05/01/2012 - 06/01/2012
02/01/2015 - 03/01/2015